Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bitter Sweet

Why bitter/sweet ... let me explain!

- the senior girls volleyball team that I coach just won the north central zones .
-we beat a team from Prince George in the final ...
-PG's coach had called me early last week (before the zone tourney) to ask me when the provincials were so she could BOOK a busdriver. Basically assuming that her team had the win in the bag!
- WE BEAT PG ... it was best of 5 and my girls kicked their a**, taking them 3 straight!!!
-I thanked the PG coach for booking us a bus driver .. it was very thoughtful!

-Provincials are in Creston, BC ... yep the end of the earth .. okay not quite but it's a 18 hour drive .. on a bus with 13 girls under the age of 18!

-the school just rented us a chartered bus ... that's right .. you know the ones with DVD players and multiple tv's ... not to mention a bathroom ... the NVSS Viqueens not only won the zones and are going to Creston to represent our small community at the "AA" provincials but we're going in style!!!! YAHOO!

-What the hell are we going to do in Creston?

-tour the Kokanee brewery of course .. not much of a beer drinker but will have to try some FRESH brewed glacier beer!

-I will be gone for 5 nights .. the most I have ever left Linden!

-my Mom will take him while Ryan works and then (Ry) Daddy will be there to take care of the big guy! Not sure what I would do without all my support! I will miss Linden but I won't worry about him as I know he's in the best care possible!

-just broke my tooth and need a full root canal

-I broke it while eating a very good candy! Do you think it was a sign from God telling me that I didn't really need that candy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


You asked for some teeth .. well here you go!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Survey Says ......

Well I did it ....... Let me know what cha think! I've never done anything so drastic to my hair before but I think I like it?!? Still in the process of getting used to it but so far I'm pretty happy!
Sorry about the silly picture ... I can't stand photos of myself .. they never seem to turn out!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Here's the question:

Should I dye my hair my natural color OR should I just streak it again?!?


My hair has always been a mousy brown color, okay with lots of blonde streaks but as I'm getting older my hair is changing color .. it's very dark now! What I think I should do is just dye my hair the color of my roots which is dark dark brown?!?! Good Idea, I don't know you tell me!!!

My appointment is 9:00am tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Okay I recently applied to be on "Deal or No Deal" .. some of you might hate the show so I think I should mention that Big Dodge, Bits and Pieces, and Tarable .. you are on my supporter list .. so basically it doesn't matter if you dislike it .. if I make the auditions you're going to have to suck it up!! HA!!

Anyways there is a question about what your friends and family would say is your best qualities .. I wrote that you'd say I was a very positive person .. but then I read my last blog and question that ?!? I'm normally a positive person but then once in a while these little negative things build up and WHAM .. I write about them?!? Sorry please bare with me ...

Now I'm back to looking at all the positives ..

It's a gorgeous day here in the hoof .. you should see the sun a shining and the snow a melt'in .. it's a beautiful winter day!

All is good at home .. my hubby just shot a HUGE deer (no worries I will not be posting a picture of this) and thank goodness he did .. Linden and I were starting to eat bark off the trees .. we're starving! To say the least he is soo excited about the kill ... he phoned me right away and was practically screaming in the phone .. too bad I wasn't as excited as he was .. I really try to be happy for him but I just think of the poor little, or I mean HUGE, deer. One good thing is our son has the same interest in hunting as Ry ... I told Linden that his Dad shot a big buck and his reply was "Hmmmm .. delicious .. Linden love buck" .. which I replied .. " Good then you and Daddy can eat all the deer you want .. less for me! Yahoo!"

Well I should get back to work but I will let you know when I will be appearing on TV as soon as they call! You best be nice to me as you never know if I will be a millionaire in a few months .. !!!
You know what they say "always be nice to people that play DEAL OR NO DEAL!!!HA!

Little Boys ...

I suggest if you don't want to read a negative blog PLEASE don't proceed .... this is just something I have to get off my chest and the best way to do that is to blog about it!!!!

This weekend I overheard (at the arena) someone say ..... "Man I hope that my daughter doesn't have a little boy" .. what kinda statement is that?! ....I then hear someone ask ... "Why do you say that?" .. where the lady quickly recovers by saying "Oh I just couldn't handle watching my grandson play hockey, it's just too rough!" ... why does everyone think that little boys are so bad. Yep they are busy but not all of them .. take Linden for example .. a VERY VERY busy, go-getter, dare-devil .. but take one second and look at Linden's parents .. Are we every home? .. Do we ever just sit at home and do nothing??? .. NOPE!!!! We're always always busy ... do ya think that that's why Linden is busy??? OF COURSE it is .. he doesn't know how to sit and watch a movie for more then 1/2 hour cause that's about the longest that Ryan or I sit for! It just makes me soooo mad that people just assume all boys are bad ... it's quite hurtful and I'm not sure why? I kept saying to myself .. oh Holly not everyone thinks that .. but you know I hear it OVER AND OVER AND OVER .. it's terrible .. I just hope that when Linden gets old enough to understand all these comments that he doesn't actually believe it!!!!! I think kids are a splitting image of their parents .. our son loves all sports and is not seen without a baseball bat, hockey stick, golf club or some sort of ball in his hand but like I say he's a true child of ours .. does it make him BAD to be busy and want to swing a bat or throw a ball???? I'm sooooo hurt and frustrated!

I often hear people say things like .. how can you handle having a boy .. I don't want a boy they are way to hard to deal with and get into everything .. it would suck to have a boy ??? It's very hurtful to hear such things .. that's when I think to myself .. if they only knew how much little boys LOVE their Moms and how you as a Mom would be number one in their heart for the rest of their lives they wouldn't say that!

Yes .. boys are way different then girls .. most of them just won't sit down and color for an hour .. or sit in a nice outfit without getting dirty but it's been that way since the beginning of time. Boys will ALWAYS be different then girls but (I will ask one more time) does that make them BAD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

I wouldn't change being a parent of a little boy for the world ..