Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day

Before I begin my rant on Valentine's day I would like to shout a big THANK you to A, K & B for the cutest card .. it made me laugh .. thank you thank you thank you~!

HATE IT .. yep you read it right .. HATE HATE HATE Valentines Day .. it's such a silly day .. I think that if someone loves you and wants to show you ...they just should .. on any old day ..WHY do they need a "special" day to do so??

People often ask WHY I hate this day ... well here are a few reasons ...

It's not because I'm single (cause I'm married) and it's not because my husband forgets V-day every year or that he doesn't get me a card or some kind of gift (cause he always remembers the day and always gets me something) It's because ...

I can't stand to go out for dinner on V-day .. all you see is those lovey dovey couples .. you know the ones .. they have been together for like 2 days and they are SOOOOO in love ...they sit there holding hands, looking deep into each others eyes ... ! PUKE!

The roses cost 18 times more on V-day then they do on Feb 13th or 15th or on any other day for that matter!

Chocolates .. love them .. but does my fat a** need more chocolate?

Can't stand the questions "what are you doing for "lovers" day?" OR "What are you getting your husband (boyfriend) for V-day?" My reply NOTHING .. it's a plain silly silly day .. I would say the word "stupid" day but that's a time-out word in our house and I'm trying really hard not to use it!

Now don't get me wrong I LOVE to be treated like a queen, cooked for, catered to, showered with gift, dripping in new jewels etc..etc.. but please NOT on this day! Again if someone were to buy me all this and treat me this way I wouldn't turn it down .. it just wouldn't be appreciated as much since it's on heart day!

I also think of all the little kids handing out the cute little valentine's cards .. BUT what about the poor little left out kid that doesn't get one?? No, I wasn't THAT kid in elementary school but I'm sure I was one of the kids that didn't give everyone in my class a card. Kids are cruel!

I feel that V-day is a day that makes people that don't have a "special" someone in there lives feel sad and that is the REAL reason I hate V-day. It's kinda a mean day in that sense .. my one friend says "it's like a big ol' spotlight on her with a blinking sign that says "I'M SINGLE"

Sooooo because inquiring minds want to know .. Ry, Linden and I are having a dinner of steak and prawns in the comfort of our own home .. and we will say we love each other like we say everyday .. we will hug we will kiss just like any other night .....basically the only difference on this V-day compared to last years V-day .. well it's 2007!!!!

For all of you that LOVE the LOVE DAY .. Please don't let this blog get you down .. that's not what it was wrote for .. it's just one little bloggers opinion on this red and pink day ... I hope you have a great Valentine's Day and you get all those flowers, chocolates and other gifts you wished for... I hope that you're husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends/wives treat you really special as you all deserve it!


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Happy Birthday!

It's my little sister's birthday so I would like to dedicate this post to her!

My sister is:

financially stable
close to becoming a MILLIONAIRE (always remember me!)
a volunteer

"A" I wish you a very happy birthday and I really wish I could have been there to help you celebrate! Miss you lots and lots!

**** This was posted late due to a sick son and husband! Yep that's right everyone was sick AGAIN .. runny noses, flu, ear infections, antibiotics, the whole nine yards. Can you say "Nurse Mom" .. thank goodness I have MY Mom to help take care of everyone! ******

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Potty Training ..

Potty Training has gone pretty well with Linden .. he just started to go to the bathroom .. well number 2 that is (which, honestly, out of the 2 is the better one to learn first!).. he doesn't care to go pee on the potty .. he doesn't really care where he pees .. it could be down his leg .. on the floor .. where ever .. so we decided to buy him some "big boy"underwear like Daddy..... we bought him nemo. scooby doo, ninja turtles, mex, gap .. you name it, we got it . Linden HATES the underwear he only wants to wear his diaper .. when I ask if he'd like to put on his "big boy" underwear he says "NO, you wear them Momma!" So if anyone has any suggestions on how to get my little boy to go pee on the potty I would greatly appreciate the advice .. I've tried giving him a cool sticker when he goes and hope to try the cheerio trick soon .. don't get me wrong he does go pee on the potty SOMETIMES it's just not consistent ... maybe I need to ask him more and pay more attention?!?!?!

More on potty training .....

Linden and I went to the arena last weekend to watch Daddy play some hockey ... Linden has to go potty .. so we head into the washroom .. we both squeeze into the little stall ... I put Linden on the potty .. he's not happy with his long underwear and pants around his legs .. he needs them off ... oh and he also needs his socks off which also means his boots .. so now there is Linden, the heap of clothes and I squished into the beautiful bright orange bathroom stall .. Linden goes about his business .. telling me all about it .. it's a HUGE one Momma .. did you hear the big noise .. I a big boy .. I go potty ... BIG ONE .. there is a Daddy one and a Momma one .. I'm telling Linden to be a little quieter but it doesn't help .. he then hears another person in the bathroom .. he says "is that my friend Momma ... she go potty too .. she a big girl .. she make big noise too ... did you hear that Momma ..

Ahhh ....can you say embarrassing .... I thought it would be great to have a potty trained child ..... now, not so much .. kidding of course .. it's nice not to deal with a dirty diaper but the whole bathroom talk is kinda overwhelming ..

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Get THIN Thursday ...

Another week gone and another pound lost!

Total weight lost = 9 pounds

Happy Anniversary

Yep, it was my Mom and I's anniversary yesterday .. exactly 6 years since I received my new kidney ! I'm so grateful for this special gift and for the special person who gave it to me! People always say how close my Mom and I are ... wouldn't you be if you were caring her kidney! I think I'm very priviledged that I get to carry a part of my Mom!

I still remember this miracle day as if it was yesterday .. we were waiting in the admitting department .. I started to cry

Mom : What's was wrong ? Are you having second thoughts about going through with this?
Me : No just really scared!
Mom : Me too!

Then my Mom just hugged me ... at that point I felt the sense that eveything would be alright! My Mom was soo strong through this procedure .. she never batted an eye with whether or not she'd do this for me. Right from the beginning she just kept saying "let's do this" .. "sign me up" .. I have to mention that other family members stepped up to the plate too ... and I'm very grateful for that too .. just happened that Mom was the best match!

I seen my Mom being rolled down to the operating room .. she just smiled and went on her way. I layed there worrying about her .. would she be okay .. would the surgery go well .. I prayed there would be no complications .. I couldn't believe that someone would go through all this for me .. I felt that if anything ever happened to my Mom I would never forgive myself!

Then it was my turn .. I cried again, so scared .... then the next thing I remember was waking up .. being wheeled down to my room .. there at the end of the hall was my family and friends giving me the biggest thumbs up .. I will NEVER forget this day!

Although I went through some very scary parts after the transplant with rejection and such, my family and friends stood by my side cheering me on .. they gave me the strength to fight and the ability to stay postitive! I think I'm a very lucky person to have gone through this .. it showed me what you do when you love someone so much .. how to be a good friend and family member!

I would like to say thank-you to everyone that was there for me .. I couldn't have done it without you! I thank those that couldn't actually visit me in the hospital but sent 40+ bouquets of flowers .. the endless cards of best wishes and all the phone calls!

To my Mom: you gave me my health back, my dream wedding, the ability to have a child, the sense of freedom .. to sum it up .. YOU GAVE ME THE GIFT OF LIFE .. and I thank you with all my heart!!! You're the best!